Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Business Plan - Nursery ::

I have selected a nursery because there is racy demand in the UK as well that there is a bonny amount of profitSUMMARYPEOPLEI intend to employ on 3 to 4 employees along with my self and leavefor approximately 12-20 kids once the business has established itself and then(prenominal) I may decide to expand and cater for more children.THE PRODUCTI have selected a nursery because there is high demand in the UK aswell that there is a reasonable amount of profit, which can be made ifthe business is planned out correctly. One of the important reasons whydemand is so high is that more women then ever before are going towork, and therefore day nurseries provide a sufficient environment fortheir children to be looked after in.THE MARKET----------One of the main reasons why demand is so high is that more women thenever before are going to work, and therefore day nurseries provide asuitable environment for their children to be looked after in.PRODUCTIONSince my business is basically a servi ce that is a day nursery hencethere is no intersection involved it is the services, which I provide tomy customers. I offer milk to the kids, if any of the kid needs milk I testament be offering them, then there will be a rest room in which thosekids who are tired can sleep in that room, the third service which Ioffer is playing, I will be having a room in which all the toys willbe there all the kids can play there, my childminders will play withthem, and the fourth service is giving the kids basic education.EXPECTED PROFITFor my business to be successful it is very important that it shouldmake profit , so at the end of one year I will be making a profit of2454 which shows that my business is going to do well, its just the starting time as and when my nursery becomes popular among the people Ithing it will be doing well and making more profit.FINANCE NEEDEDAs mentioned in financial and production plan I will be looking toobtain a loan of 5000 from the bank. If the bank rejects myap plication, then I will bowl over getting a sleeping colleague so that Ican apply again for lower amount. I could also find a partner and thenhalf the investment. This is because currently I have personal savingsof 3500 and could use 2500 of this to open my business with mypartner. When discussing the plan with my father, he agreed to help

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